Box 2Global IDs

Upon submission, dbMHC creates a unique global ID number for each primer/probe/mix/kit submitted. This global ID consists of three letters for the submitting institution and seven digits.

dbMHC uses the global ID number to store the entire history of a reagent. The global ID number will never change, but every time a user edits the sequence of a submitted primer/probe/mix/kit, that edit is given an incremental version number. Thus, all previous versions of a particular primer/probe/mix/kit are consequently accessible, and submitted primers/probes/mixes/kits can never be deleted.

A “local name” is the identifier given by submitters to their primers and probes.

From: Chapter 11, The Major Histocompatibility Complex Database, dbMHC

Cover of The NCBI Handbook
The NCBI Handbook [Internet].
McEntyre J, Ostell J, editors.

NCBI Bookshelf. A service of the National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.