Box 7Creating a virtual kit

If a primer/probe within an existing typing kit malfunctions and a user created a modification of the primer/probe, that modified primer/probe is considered by dbMHC to be an entirely new probe.

The kit that contains this modified primer/probe is considered by dbMHC as an entirely new kit. Therefore, when entering a sequence modification of primer/probe within a kit, a submitter must create a new kit by using Save kit as located within New Typing Kit.

Save kit as will create a copy of the existing kit. The user can then rename the copy of the existing kit, virtually creating a new kit. The user can then go to the kit element frame, Edit Kit Locus Groups and Elements, to remove the old primer/probe from the new kit and replace it with the modified primer/probe.

From: Chapter 11, The Major Histocompatibility Complex Database, dbMHC

Cover of The NCBI Handbook
The NCBI Handbook [Internet].
McEntyre J, Ostell J, editors.

NCBI Bookshelf. A service of the National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.