Figure 3. GEO retrieval statistics.

Figure 3GEO retrieval statistics

Daily usage statistics evaluated over a 4-week period January 24 to February 20, 2002. Web server GET (blue) and POST (magenta) calls are evaluated for URL GET calls correspond roughly to links being followed from other Web pages, most likely following Entrez ProbeSet queries. POST calls roughly correspond to direct queries by Accession number. The spike of activity seen from January 29 to January 31 represents retrievals by one IP address and most likely represent an automated “Web crawler” pull.

From: Chapter 6, The Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO): A Gene Expression and Hybridization Repository

Cover of The NCBI Handbook
The NCBI Handbook [Internet].
McEntyre J, Ostell J, editors.

NCBI Bookshelf. A service of the National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.