Figure 3. PubMed Abstract Plus and Protein GenPept view showing database ads and analysis tools.

Figure 3PubMed Abstract Plus and Protein GenPept view showing database ads and analysis tools

Top panel. Abstract Plus for an article reporting the 3-D structure of influenza haemagglutinin. The record has an ad for the 35 PubMed Central articles that cite the current article and an ad for the corresponding structures in the NCBI Structure database (both boxed in red). Bottom panel. A protein record for one of the influenza haemagglutinin chains. The protein record has BLAST and Conserved Domains Analysis Tools as well as a database ad for the Influenza Resources area of the Web site with access to all flu sequences and specific analytical tools.

From: NCBI News, June 2009

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NCBI News [Internet].

NCBI Bookshelf. A service of the National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.