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Series GSE87562 Query DataSets for GSE87562
Status Public on Dec 01, 2017
Title Cockayne syndrome A and B proteins regulate the transcription arrest upon genotoxic stress through a ubiquitin/proteasome degradation process (ChIP-seq)
Organism Homo sapiens
Experiment type Genome binding/occupancy profiling by high throughput sequencing
Summary The rare genetic disease Cockayne syndrome (CS) results in mutations in CSA and CSB. Upon UV irradiation, RNA synthesis was arrested: RNA-seq showed 70% of down-regulated genes in common between CSA and CSB deficient cells. ATF3, the product of an immediate early gene was overexpressed and bound to its CRE/ATF site to inhibit its responsive genes. ChIP experiments showed that CSA/CUL4A/DDB1 together with CSB and MDM2, target ATF3. In vivo and in vitro experiments showed that ATF3 was ubiquitilated by a concerted action of CSA and MDM2 ubiquitin-ligases and was further eliminated by the proteasome concomitantly with the recruitment of RNA polymerase II to restart transcription. In CS cells, dysfunctional CSA or CSB were unable to assemble the ubiquitin/proteasome complex, thereby maintaining the ATF3-dependent transcription arrested. Though, in addition to their function in DNA repair, CSA and CSB might thus regulate the timing of DNA binding factors on its specific target site via the ubiquitin/proteasome machinery.
Overall design Examination kinetic of 18 samples including ATF3, PolII, CSA, CSB, MDM2, PSMB5 and PSMD1 in 0, 8 and 24 hours, in wild type and CSB mutant cell lines.
Contributor(s) Epanchintsev A, Costanzo F, Ye T, Egly J
Citation(s) 29225035
Submission date Oct 03, 2016
Last update date May 15, 2019
Contact name Tao YE
Organization name IGBMC (CNRS/INSERM/UDS)
Street address 1 rue Laurent Fries
City Illkirch
ZIP/Postal code 67404
Country France
Platforms (1)
GPL20301 Illumina HiSeq 4000 (Homo sapiens)
Samples (17)
GSM2333812 ATF3_WT_0h
GSM2333813 ATF3_WT_8h
GSM2333814 ATF3_WT_24h
This SubSeries is part of SuperSeries:
GSE87564 Cockayne syndrome A and B proteins regulate the transcription arrest upon genotoxic stress through a ubiquitin/proteasome degradation process
BioProject PRJNA345269
SRA SRP090813

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GSE87562_ATF3_8h_peaks_homer_ens75.xlsx 12.1 Mb (ftp)(http) XLSX
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