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Series GSE93326 Query DataSets for GSE93326
Status Public on Nov 27, 2018
Title Gene expression from laser capture microdissected pancreatic cancer epithelium and stroma
Organism Homo sapiens
Experiment type Expression profiling by high throughput sequencing
Summary This study used laser capture microdissection to obtain paired tumor epithelium and stroma RNA samples from human pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDA) frozen sections. Libraries were prepared using the Nugen Ovation RNA-Seq System V2 and sequenced to a depth of 30 million 100bp single-end reads. These data were used to model compartment-specific gene expression density on a genome-wide scale and build an algorithm for transcriptional devonvolution (ADVOCATE). RNA sequencing of macrodissected bulk PDA sections was performed on 15 samples in order to systematically compare TruSeq and NuGEN RNA-Seq libraries and (ii) correlate histopathological and molecular assessment of tumor composition.
Overall design Gene expression data are presented for 65 pairs of tumor epithelium and stroma LCM samples and 15 bulk tumors using NuGEN and TruSeq library preparation, respectively.
Gene expression data are presented for 57 additional tumor stromas.
Contributor(s) Maurer HC, Olive KP
Citation(s) 30658994, 29249692, 29440233
Submission date Jan 09, 2017
Last update date Feb 02, 2021
Contact name Hans Carlo Maurer
Organization name Klinikum rechts der Isar
Department II. Medizinische Klinik
Street address Ismaninger Str. 22
City Munich
State/province Bavaria
ZIP/Postal code 81675
Country Germany
Platforms (2)
GPL11154 Illumina HiSeq 2000 (Homo sapiens)
GPL20301 Illumina HiSeq 4000 (Homo sapiens)
Samples (204)
GSM2451246 CUMC_E1
GSM2451247 CUMC_S5
GSM2451248 CUMC_E6
BioProject PRJNA360619
SRA SRP096338

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GSE93326_LCM-RNA-Seq-RawCounts.txt.gz 4.3 Mb (ftp)(http) TXT
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