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Series GSE99059 Query DataSets for GSE99059
Status Public on Jul 31, 2017
Title ARS2 is a general suppressor of pervasive transcription [RNAseq]
Organism Homo sapiens
Experiment type Expression profiling by high throughput sequencing
Summary Termination of transcription is important for establishing gene punctuation marks. It is also critical for suppressing many of the pervasive transcription events occurring throughout eukaryotic genomes and coupling their RNA products to efficient decay. In human cells, the ARS2 protein has been implicated in such function as its depletion causes transcriptional read-through of selected gene terminators and because it physically interacts with the ribonucleolytic nuclear RNA exosome. Here, we study the role of ARS2 on transcription and RNA metabolism genome-wide. We show that ARS2 depletion negatively impacts levels of promoter-proximal RNA polymerase II (RNAPII) at protein-coding (pc) genes, Moreover, our results reveal a general role of ARS2 in transcription termination-coupled RNA turnover at short transcription units like snRNA-, replication dependent histone (RDH)-, promoter upstream transcript (PROMPT)- and enhancer RNA (eRNA)-loci. Depletion of the ARS2 interaction partner ZC3H18 mimics the ARS2 depletion, although to a milder extent, whereas depletion of the exosome core subunit RRP40 only impacts RNA abundance post-transcriptionally. Interestingly, ARS2 is also involved in transcription termination events within first introns of pc genes. Our work therefore establishes ARS2 as a general suppressor of pervasive transcription with the potential to regulate protein-coding gene expression.
Overall design RNA from HeLa cells was analysed by next generation sequencing upon depletion of EGFP(control), ARS2(SRRT), ZC3H18 and CBP80. Total RNA was collected for each condition in triplicates.
Contributor(s) Iasillo C, Schmid M, Yahia Y, Maqbool MA, Descostes N, Karadoulama E, Bertrand E, Andrau J, Jensen TH
Citation(s) 28973446, 29298432
Submission date May 18, 2017
Last update date Jul 25, 2021
Contact name Evdoxia Karadoulama
Organization name Aarhus University
Department Molecular Biology and Genetics
Lab Torben Heick Jensen
Street address C.F. Møllers Alle 3
City Aarhus
ZIP/Postal code 8000
Country Denmark
Platforms (1)
GPL20301 Illumina HiSeq 4000 (Homo sapiens)
Samples (15)
GSM2631679 EGFP_rep1
GSM2631680 EGFP_rep2
GSM2631681 EGFP_rep3
BioProject PRJNA387161
SRA SRP107322

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GSE99059_RAW.tar 2.9 Gb (http)(custom) TAR (of BW)
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