DataSet Record GDS5657: Expression Profiles Data Analysis Tools Sample Subsets
Title: Transcription factor Cabut deficiency and overexpression effects on heads: time course
Cluster AnalysisGDS5657 Cluster Image
Summary: Analysis of heads from strains overexpressing Cabut (cbtOE) or depleted for Cabut (cbtRNAi) at two time points during the day-night cycle (i.e., 3 hr after light-on or light-off). Krüppel‐like factors Klf10 and Klf11 are close mammalian homologs of cbt. Results provide insight into role of CBT.
Organism: Drosophila melanogaster
Platform: GPL1322: [Drosophila_2] Affymetrix Drosophila Genome 2.0 Array
  • Bartok O, Teesalu M, Ashwall-Fluss R, Pandey V et al. The transcription factor Cabut coordinates energy metabolism and the circadian clock in response to sugar sensing. EMBO J 2015 Jun 3;34(11):1538-53. PMID: 25916830
Reference Series: GSE67865 Sample count: 6
Value type: transformed count Series published: 2015/05/08