Transcriptome profiling of non-islet metabolic tissues in ~500 DO mouse liver, adipose, and skeletal muscle tissue from mice fed high-fat, high-sugar diet. [skeletal muscle]
Expression profiling by high throughput sequencing
Perform RNAseq with existing frozen mouse DO tissues from ~500 DO mice were sensitized on a HFHS diet (Keller, Gatti et al. 2018). The same mice have been extensively characterized for T2D-relevant clinical phenotypes, ex-vivo islet function, and other features including microbiome profiling. Gene expression and proteomic profiling has already been completed in islets. We will collect and analyze the genetic architecture of gene expression in liver, adipose, skeletal muscle. Tissues will be sent to JAX Bar Harbor from Alan Attieās lab. These tissues were from the same mice used for transcriptome analysis of islets (Genetics May 1, 2018 vol. 209 no. 1 335-356)
Overall design
transcription profiling by high-throughput sequencing design